Thread: Opiods
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Old 08-24-2018, 08:55 AM   #48
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
What large city does not have a problem with homeless people?
How did liberals raise housing prices and change the job market?

It's always Liberals are bad, Paleoconservatives are good with you
Everything oppresses the poor Paleocons and nothing is their fault, if they only could control all, they would have everyone correctly marching in lockstep
"What large city does not have a problem with homeless people?"

Nice dodge. All urban cities have homeless. It's not everywhere where they have a problem with feces like SF has. Why are you denying that SF has a poop problem? The people who run the city are more liberal than you are, and they would admit it's a huge problem. But you can't do it, because you can't be critical of liberalism.

"How did liberals raise housing prices and change the job market?"

Partly, by levying taxes that make it easier for the wealthy to live there, than the middle class. CT is going through a similar shift.

"It's always Liberals are bad"

Absolutely false. I am pro gay marriage, opposed to the death penalty, and in favor of more gun control. It is you, not me, who is an ideological purist. To you, liberalism is never bad. I give credit where it's due, and criticism where it's due.
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