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Old 09-04-2018, 09:32 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
With all due respect from someone who voted against HRC; this President does or says something every day that gives me pause..... His administration has been a revolving door, with many heading into federal indictments. Those standing by are doing so for sake of country so as to not leave the station unmanned. I don't know that many foreign leaders are willing to align with him, nevermind sign a coerced trade agreement with him. His assessment of Korean military mass is based on nothing more than dollars he wants to move around to support his pet project of the moment. I seriously doubt you would find a senior military official willing to give him his full vote of confidence. I personally have no confidence in his international relations and believe he is being played for a fool by both Putin and Kim. His narcissism does not sit well with me.

So in my view, without even addressing so many issues within our borders, the country is not doing as well as you make it out to be. The stock market is not a true barometer, unless you are a one percenter. No one is perfect. I hope that you can attempt to consider some of the questioning put forward by some who are not politically motivated to anything other than what is good for Americans...
I just can't get stirred to fearing what Trump says. I don't particularly care about most of the things he says. And the constant framing by leftist and establishment types of what he says as being racist, sexist, etc., etc. annoys me even more than Trump's tweets. What little sense I can make of most of what he says is that, in his own ineloquent way, he is doing what other Presidents, or politicians, have done. Albeit they did it with elegant political speech (well worded, correct, persuasive, bullchit), or propaganda, used to move public opinion in their direction.

He doesn't seem to be a war hawk. His policies, economic and strategic, are more detrimental to Putin than were the policies of his predecessor. But, like the dealer he thinks he is, he is trying to persuade China, Russia, and NK to be partners in world prosperity rather than enemies. Who knows if he can succeed? It's a tall order. It takes a big ego to believe and try.

He is less intrusive into the personal lives of Americans than those who oppose him. He is nominating the kind of judges that this Republic needs if it is to survive as a Republic.

You have expressed, very well, a lot of opinions. But, like most objections to Trump, they are just opinions. If we are to believe what some other military leaders have stated, they are willing to give him more of a vote of confidence than they would have given to Obama, or to Bush. And I am not an admirer of the socialist West European leaders. They have aligned with Americans who believe in free trade without US tariffs while Europeans impose tariffs and make it harder to sell American manufactured goods in their countries at the same time they have open access to the American market. And they align with American leaders who will spend billions more to defend them than they do. In my opinion, they don't give a rats azz about America except as a cash cow and a bully protector. They respect our power, but not our people and our culture (lack of it according the them). Many of the average West Europeans, on the other hand, feel differently, more affectionately toward us, than their leaders do. I am more aligned with East European leaders who look to America and its traditional values rather than to their West European neighbors with their Progressive lack of historic or national values. There is a rise throughout Europe, even in Western Europe, of "conservatism." And those impelling this rise favor Trump more than the mainstream media will tell you.

Like you, I don't think the stock market is a true barometer. It has become too disconnected from the actual market to mean much anymore. The notion of selling stocks in a nascent business in order to supply it start up cash has been transformed into those stocks becoming actual commodities themselves. They can be bought and sold separately for profit rather than for investment in a company. Hence the huge disconnect with the extravagant rise in stock prices during an essentially stagnant business market in the previous decade. I cringe whenever Trump takes credit for rising stock prices. But that's what politicians do. Take credit for the ups and blame others for the downs. Making Trump out to be singularly guilty of that syndrome is denying that he is now a politician. In some sense, that is the idea. He is different. He is not rightly suited for the job. Sort of like Reagan was just an actor, a kind of stupid one. Trump is just a sleazy Real estate mogul loaded with all the corruptions that such folks are full of.

I don't care about all that stuff. I care about restoring our constitutional system of federated government. About reinvigorating the energy and power of the states and of the American people. Trump is just a stepping stone in that direction. All I deeply cared about in the 2016 election was getting a Congress that appointed the kind of judges that would reverse Progressive "interpretation" of the Constitution. Still some work to be done there. But there is, obviously, a frantic attempt by the Progressive left to derail that train.

It is the essence of that battle that is not being paid attention. It is not an advantage for the left to focus on that. It would either be a destruction of the Progressive agenda to have a vigorous, in depth, argument about that, or if the left won, it would be the fundamental transformation Progressives have worked for these past several decades--switching the American ideal of individual freedom into the Marxist ideal of collective power.

So, what must be given constant, impelling and persuasive attention, by the Progressive left, is Donald Trump. His reputed corruptive and dangerous personality, even though a constitutional President would not have the power to destroy a country by force of personal character. But Progressives think a President with an administrative state should have that power. And their attempt to bring this President down gives credence to the notion that a President somehow does have the power they want a President to have.

First you make the idea acceptable, believable, de facto true, then you codify it into law.

Last edited by detbuch; 09-04-2018 at 10:07 PM..
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