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Old 09-05-2018, 08:24 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
How do you defend Mitch McConnell’s stonewalling an Obama apointee after Scalia’s death ???

In case you haven’t noticed , both parties are broken.
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"How do you defend Mitch McConnell’s stonewalling an Obama apointee after Scalia’s death ???"

Oh that's easy.

The American people, in open elections, freely chose to give senate control to the GOP. I don't think they did so, because they wanted Obama to shift the court. The people know that the Senate confirms judges, and if they wanted Obama to be able to pick supreme court justices, they would have given senate control to the Democrats. As Obama famously liked to say, elections have consequences. I guess Obama only feels that way, when he wins the elections.

"both parties are broken"

My party has a horse's ass as a POTUS. But we control the oval office, both chambers of Congress, and a large majority of state legislatures and governorships. And I can say with pride, that my side didn't behave this way during the confirmation of Kagan or Sotomayor. Obviously there are plenty of jerks on my side. But with the exception of Trump, we aren't in the habit of throwing a hissy fit every single time we don't get our way. We roll up our sleeves and figure out how to do better.
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