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Old 09-07-2018, 09:23 AM   #47
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You need to not believe everything Faux says
You have been conned and you will find out later how bad, just keep believing Trumps gaslighting.
One unnamed reporter does not lead a newspaper.
While you claim that you are capable of criticizing Baby Donnie Bonespurs, you are willing to sacrifice your principles for what you think are gains.
I think if he actually shot Michael Cohen on Fifth Avenue you would accept it, thats just trump, you know what he's like, he said he was gi ng to do it and now he's fulfilled another campaign promise.
I didn't hear a word about his Tweet about how it's unfair that the DOJ indicted two republicans, Republicans were the rule of Law party, Trumplicans certainly are not.
"One unnamed reporter does not lead a newspaper."

True. But all the liberals here, as far as I can see, have bought the story hook line and sinker. And it may well be true. But we don't know, and the paper has no credibility, and I don't say that because of one reporter or one story. The NYT is the exact mirror image of Sean Hannity. Both are equally useless.

"You need to not believe everything Faux says"

Haven't watched much since O-Reilly and Megyn Kelly left. If Brett Baier's show is consistently incorrect, show me the data, please, otherwise it's an empty accusation.

"you are willing to sacrifice your principles for what you think are gains."

I sacrificed nothing. I would never, ever have voted for Trump in the primary. In the general, it was him or Hilary, and that was an easy choice, consistent with my principles.

"for what you think are gains."

I see. So it's just in my head that the market is up, unemployment is down, GDP is up, black unemployment is at an all-time low, and now we see that layoffs are down. It's all in my head when I say those are positives.

Pete, regardless of who is POTUS, I give credit where it's due, and criticism where it's due. I do it with Trump, I did it with Obama. Try it sometime, you might enjoy how honesty actually feels.

" think if he actually shot Michael Cohen on Fifth Avenue you would accept it, thats just trump"

Did you hit your head? When have I ever been a Trump apologist? That's funny. I'm trying to talk with you Pete, but if you can't concede that I'm harshly critical of Trump when he deserves it, then you just aren't rational.
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