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Old 09-08-2018, 05:59 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
that Idea may have worked its way into the system I'll give you that ..

So let me get this straight all that Obama stuff over 8 years. that you think was taken from from the country .. Trump has said he has un done... is the sole reason why the economy is were it is today ?

Walmart, for example, could boost hourly wages to more than $15 an hour with the $20 billion it was using for a buyback. A separate study from the Roosevelt Institute released in July found that companies spent nearly 60 percent of net profits on buybacks from 2015 to 2017. It estimated that with the money allocated to buybacks, companies such as Lowes, CVS, and Home Depot could give each of their workers a raise of at least $18,000 a year.

Harley-Davidson in February announced a nearly $700 million stock buyback plan just days after saying it would close a plant in Kansas City. Wells Fargo is spending $25 billion on buybacks and is at the same time laying off workers in multiple states.

again we should be happy with crumbs
"o let me get this straight all that Obama stuff over 8 years. that you think was taken from from the country .. Trump has said he has un done... is the sole reason why the economy is were it is today ?"

I don't buy that for a second, during Obama's term, the economy recovered nicely (though slowly by historic standards) from the recession, and he deserves credit for that.

As to your notion that companies should allocate buyback money to raises...WDMSO, I'm certain that some of your pension money is invested in the stock market. Do you want the companies you are invested in to be profitable, or break-even. There's a balance between seeking profits and being a good corporate citizen I guess, and we can debate where that line should be, but you're also benefiting from this...

Interestingly enough, I turned on Foxnews for the first time in a while last night, Tucker Carlson was on, and he talked for 10 minutes about how disgusting it is that the CEO of Amazon is the wealthiest person on the planet, yet some of his workers are on welfare. He's continuing the story Monday.
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