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Old 09-13-2018, 03:44 AM   #28
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The networks have continued to invite back other Washingtonians who have been caught making false statements, including White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, who coined the phrase “alternative facts.”

funny he has been all over the news making claims

CNN’s airwaves. "I made a mistake,” he said of his denial, adding: "I did not mean to be cute.” He claimed he didn’t lie but rather “unintentionally misspoke.”

More things that make you go Hummm

“A strong feeling.” That just doesn’t make much sense. Davis is a lawyer for his client, not a pundit. He can speak to Cohen about sensitive matters. His job is literally to speak publicly for Cohen, and getting their story straight is Job No. 1. The idea that Davis was simply freelancing with a narrative he hadn’t run by his client just doesn’t ring true. And if he was, how has Cohen not fired him for so clearly botching his defense?

But But Lenny Davis another attempt by Jim and Fox to shine the laser point some where else .... I guess they have never heard of collaborative evidence ... the case has been being made well before Cohan

Last edited by wdmso; 09-13-2018 at 03:54 AM..
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