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Old 09-13-2018, 04:31 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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the left likes their anonymous sources, now one aimed at Kavanaugh

so near the end of the hearings, Sentor Feinstein takes a page out of the lefty Clarence Thomas attack playbook, and lobs a vague, anonymous accusation at Kavanaugh, saying she turned the anonymous letter over to federal officials. reports indicate it had something to do with something that happened when he was in high school.

he has the right to confront his accuser, let’s hear it and be done with it. is this just a desperate tactic to delay the vote until after the midterms? if so, shame on her. if it’s legit, let’s get to it, and dump him if we need to. why wait until the last minute, why make it so vague? i think i can guess.
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