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Old 09-17-2018, 08:33 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
Using a Spence line: Some people are saying that Fienstein had this information for months and sat on it. If this is true that she waited isn't that hypocritical that she wants justice?

Using a Spence line: I'm hearing that the accuser is a super progressive SJW type which further offers the chance this is a ruse.

In High School I was accused of raping a girl at a dance. I was the primary subject for 4 or 5 days. I was half a mile away drinking (somewhat legally) with my HS Crush and several of our friends when this "rape" happened. So I know "girls" can lie, she eventually admitted she'd made it up. I also know enough of "boys" can lie about stuff like this too.

Do I think that girl that accused me falsely over 30 years ago rehabilitated herself? Sure hope so. She almost ruined my life at that point. If she ran for office or were to appointed to a court - should I bring this forth?

Are we going to hold allegations from High School as tests of character today?

How many of you fine folks of superb character going to stand up to your screwing up as a teenage boy in High School?

Lastly. Seems like EVERYTHING Democrats do is like a tantrum of a 4 year old. We're gonna die if this happens. OMG Handmaidens Tale. If you don't agree with me you are a Nazi. You are all Fascist.

No matter WHO or what, I no longer think Dems cannot be trusted. The way Dems act it is impossible to know if they are telling the truth or lying. Reps are not much better but noit as bad as Dems.

I don't think we can fix this. I hope I am wrong.

How is he a sexual abuser?
Very, very sorry you went through that John.

I am not sure it's fixable either. We need ethical leaders in both parties who would truly rather lose honorably than win by cheating. It's hard to imagine getting to that point, from where we are.

Funny that the accuser didn't care that Kavanaugh was nominated to he DC Court of Appeals.
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