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Old 09-25-2018, 05:46 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
thanks you just made my point

its like being friends with a wife beater .. because he's a good fisherman...

you cant have it both ways .. but you still try .. one day you dont like him now you Admire him
So I am a constant, bling Trump apologist? That's what you're saying? I never criticize him? Sorry, I thought you knew how to read.

"you cant have it both ways"

Not trying to have it both ways. Trump is a horrible person. That doesn't mean there aren't a small number of things I can admire. I admire his loyalty to Kavanaugh.

Bill Clinton was also a lying snake. But he did great things with the economy.

You are the one who is off, because you think it's all or nothing. Because Trump is (on balance) not a good guy, you think that means that there can't be any good qualities about him. Life isn't that simple.
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