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Old 09-25-2018, 08:23 AM   #72
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I think if they don't replace Kavanaugh, but ram him thru and Congress flips in the midterms, they will move to impeach Kavanaugh.........and Thomas
Then refuse to hold a hearing for any replacements
So to the liberals here, a mere allegation is enough? Do any of you remember Al Sharpton and the Tawanna Brawley case? Or the Duke lacrosse players?

Sorry, in these politically charged times, a mere allegation is nowhere near enough. If no additional evidence is presented, if all we know is what we now know, he's going to get confirmed.

There's a great chance the dems take the house, so they can make a big show of impeachment. Impeachment requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate, and that will never happen. Never.

Yes, I think the dems should vote to impeach Kavanaugh and Thomas, and explain to the voters why none of them even mentions the name "Keith Ellison".

Here's a fascinating, crazy idea. How about we talk about whether or not any of Kavanaugh's judicial rulings were wrong on the law, or constitutionally un-sound? Does that factor into this, at all?

Worst case scenario, if the withdraw Kavanaugh (hopefully not before more evidence comes to light), they'll nominate Barrett. There is no way that seat is vacant going into the midterms. If Jeb Bush was POTUS, maybe the democrats could bully him into waiting. Not this guy. They still, after two years, have absolutely no idea who they're dealing with. They think they can slap him around the way they did to Bush, McCain, Romney, etc. Trump isn't them.
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