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Old 09-26-2018, 11:12 AM   #20
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It gives her accusation more credibility for sure.

It's very common for the FBI to investigate decades old incidents. They're experts in it.

It's quite possible they could come back with nothing, or perhaps they could find people who recall hearing about the alleged event. I think it's highly unlikely they're going to find hard evidence but that's also not the standard for this process.
"It gives her accusation more credibility for sure. "

Using what logic?

Evidence gives her claim more credibility, or eyewitnesses, or subsequent provable accusations against Ford.

How many people has Trump told, that he never touched Stormy Daniels? What if Ford (and this is a huge 'if'), is the kind of person who made this up because she's desperate for attention and/or sympathy? We know there are people like that, and of course they aren't going to keep it to themselves.

"It's very common for the FBI to investigate decades old incidents. They're experts in it."

I actually agree. But that wasn't the liberal reaction to the FBI finding no evidence against Clarence Thomas. Anita Hill is considered a hero and a victim, despite the FBI findings.

Who cares who heard about it? Heresay is evidence now?
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