Thread: Illegal Mexican
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Old 09-26-2018, 01:49 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You forgot the illegal immigrant farm workers that enable the corporate business model, no farm is close to highly mechanized. I've been to enough 1000+ cow dairies to know that.
I didn't forget the illegals. I'm not going to mention them in every post I make. I have repeatedly and consistently been against illegals, for the wall, strengthening border enforcement, strengthening immigration policy, import immigrants who are likely to be compatible with Western and U.S. values, keep numbers related to actual need not artificially created need resulting from social policies that make it viable, even attractive, for Americans to refuse to "do the work that immigrants will", and against the illegal immigration that provides cheap labor at the expense of American workers, blah, blah, blah. And responses to any of us who want that is that we are racists.

Big Agra as well as big dairy farms can still produce more product economically than small farms, even if does not employ illegals.

You had a simplistic solution for the disappearing small dairy farm in America. I pointed out that the problem was not that simple and that your Canadian solution of price supports has unintended negative consequences that can make your solution regressive. You didn't answer that.
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