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Old 09-30-2018, 02:26 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
You still don't understand this form of Trumpism. He compresses diction, leaving out a whole lot of words which would more clearly say what's in his head. In this case, rather then saying something like "The duties are paid by Chinese based importers like Ford or Walmart that either swallow the cost or pass it along to consumers. This is in retaliation for the billions that China collects from American based importers. China, not its Chinese based exporters, receives those tariffs. It also receives billions into its economy from the exports it sends to the U.S. By Charging tariffs on those goods it sells into the U.S., it drains billions from the Chinese economy and pays billions into the American economy," he just says, instead, "China is paying billions in tariffs."

So why was the economy booming if were getting so ripped off before this Tariff game ???
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