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Old 10-03-2018, 02:18 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
They are getting better at it

That's called progress. Progressives should admire that. Meddling is a living breathing thing. History progresses toward the good.

She argued that “the standard of proof being demanded” by people claiming it’s impossible to know whether Russia delivered the White House to Trump is “substantially higher than the standard of proof we ordinarily use” to smear Kavanaugh.

Extensive studies of past campaigns, of American politicians Jamieson said, have demonstrated that “you can affect people, who then change their decision, and that alters the outcome.”

Like Democrats and Republicans do every election and in between.

She continued, “I’m not arguing that Russians pulled the voting levers. I’m arguing that Republicans and Democrats persuaded enough people to either vote a certain way or not vote at all.”

The effect of such manipulations could be momentous in an election

Our pols have figured that out long ago. They use the tactic to subvert our elections all the time.

Moreover, she concludes, the American media “inadvertently helped them achieve their goals.”
No . . . don't tell me . . . I can't believe that fake news colluded with the Russians to actually help Trump. Things are so murky and meddled with in our politics that the poor voter just can't know who or what to believe. Probably we should consult the world about it.
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