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Old 10-08-2018, 08:11 AM   #1
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why should each state keep 2 senate seats

Saw this the other night Wyoming

Rhode Island’s largest county has more people than Wyoming. RI
1.06 million ‎ 2 seats

Wyoming. sentor only has like 200,000 in his district total population
579,315 1 seat

•South Dakota
869,666 1 seat
•North Dakota
755,393 1 seat

•Delaware 1 seat

Should these states even get a seat ? or is this everyone gets a participation trophy .. or just another example of a rigged system like gerrymandering

Top 10 Most Gerrymandered States

1. North Carolina 2. Maryland 3. Pennsylvania 4. West Virginia 5: kentucky 6. Louisiana 7. Utah 8. Texas 9. Arkansas 10. Ohio

substantial effects of gerrymandering. In North Carolina, the GOP won 53 percent of the votes and 77 percent of the seats (10 out of 13). In Pennsylvania, they won 53 percent of the votes and 72 percent of the seats (13 out of 18). In Ohio, they won 56 percent of the vote and 75 percent of seats.

North carolina Last year, Democrats won nearly 50% of the vote, yet they hold only 38% of the seats in the state House and 30% of the seats in the state Senate.

And some here think Dems play dirty ?
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