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Old 10-24-2018, 12:04 PM   #62
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
If you look at some of the designs for new gender neutral bathrooms it will make more sense.
Instead of having a room with sinks and somewhat of an enclosure around toilet/urinals, they have a common washing room and private toilet rooms with no gaps to look thru (either way).
Pretty scary apparently
You're missing the point. Lots of women don't want to be in the room with a man, doesn't matter if the toilet stalls go to the ground. I can't say I'd be comfortable with a woman sharing a rest room with me, but at least I know I don't need to fear of getting attacked. Women don't have that luxury.

If you had the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes for just a moment, you'd see it. But liberals struggle to accept that some people disagree with them, and some who disagree, are actually normal, rational, nice people. We aren't all sub-human. But in this case, you are mocking the notion that any woman could ever have a legitimate reason to not want to share a restroom with a man. Nit everyone is exactly like you, not everyone feels exactly the same way. Solipsism (the belief that everyone is just like me), is rabid among liberals.
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