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Old 10-25-2018, 09:08 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
It is tough to keep it all straight
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Then I'll make it easy for you. There are jerks and maniacs on both sides. There are extremists on both sides. There aren't a meaningful number of thoughtful moderates on both sides, the moderates, from what I can tell, are almost all in the GOP.

Who in the democratic senate is as friendly with the GOP, as McCain and Graham are with the left? Manchin might vote with the GOP occasionally at election time, but that's it.

You don't judge either side by the actions of a tiny number of lunatics who don't speak for anyone else.. You judge them by what's considered "mainstream" on each side. So compare Paul Ryan to Nancy Pelosi, and that makes my point. Just compare the leadership of the house on both sides, that illustrates my point.
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