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Old 10-25-2018, 09:27 AM   #20
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
the biggest kook of them all is the president of the United States and last I remember he was Republican.
His approval rating among Repub. is extremely high so obviously most Republicans think the same him

There is no comparison bt the Rights rally's and the Democratic rally's. The lock em up chants for people who have done nothing wrong shows what sorry people Trump supporters have turned into. And callling Democrats treasonous is ridiculous. If you think today's Republican Party is the same as Nixon or even Reagan's you're living in a fantasy world.
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"the biggest kook of them all is the president of the United States and last I remember he was Republican."


When Trump acts like a jerk, which is often, huge numbers of influential republicans call him out. That doesn't happen on the left. Not nearly to the same extent. Charles Kraithammer was probably the single most influential conservative pundit, and he despised Trump.

The left acted like this when Bush was president, and they never stopped the personal attacks on McCain or Romney. So let's drop the nonsense that Trump is causing all this. The left first embraced insane personal attacks when Bush was president, and they haven't stopped since. When you are wrong on the facts and results and empirical evidence and common sense, you throw bombs. . When you are backed into a corner, this is what you do.
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