Thread: Human caravan
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Old 10-25-2018, 12:17 PM   #74
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
do you want to let them all in Pete?
What does how the caravan started have to do with if anyone wants open borders or a new immigration policy? I have never said that everyone can come.
Which of the central american countries do you want to use North Korean control of their people so that they don't leave, no Trumplican, except perhaps their leader who is having an admitted love affair with Kim Jong-un, has an issue with North Koreans escaping horrible conditions, though Trump brought a NK refugee to his State of the Union speech.
Do you think it will ever change if the only negotiating tool that the current administrations uses is "if you don't agree with what I propose, then you want open borders"

Perhaps you would advocate genocide to get rid of the awful brown people, or just pick anyone up who looks like that and deport them.
We rounded up all the people of mexican descent, citizens or not in the the Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s, it is remarkably similar to the current atmosphere and political behavior, though we don't have an economic depression currently to blame it on.

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