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Old 10-25-2018, 10:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The civility police might point out that many conservatives hated Obama just as much, but that only demonstrates the limits of content-neutral analysis.

This is stupid gibberish. It's as if you are drunk when you write this junk.

The right’s revulsion against a black president targeted by birther conspiracy theories is not the same as the left’s revulsion against a racist president who spread birther conspiracy theories

You keep repeating this race baiting crap. Again as if wallowing in the sloppy, self righteous certainty of a drunken stupor.

No one comes close to how Trump has split this country

This is the height of uncorroborated hearsay. This doesn't come close to being true. It is the kind of purely vicious hate that helps to split this country.

To claim that college students, those uppity black people, a representative or anyone else has the power that Trump wields in the media is absurd

This is an absurdly ignorant rant that sounds like the incoherent rambling of someone in the grip of potent weed. You're so far out of the realm of sober, intelligent thought that you not only have visions of race in every nook and cranny, you actually see Trump wielding power in the media. The mainstream leftist media is unbridled in its attacks on Trump. In what smoky field of contact high are you discerning this power that Trump wields in the media? Do you mean twitter? The media is stupid enough to print what he twitter's. That's his power? The media's stupidity is the power he wields?

You poor victim
We will be reaping what he has sown for a generation

This reeks of the lamentations of a defeated, staggering, homeless man flailing at invisible bogymen with one hand while the other is tilting the brown bagged bottle of Boone's Farm into his begging mouth.

These asassination attempts have no precedent, meanwhile Trump’s rallies continue chanting threats, to his grinning approval
You’re complicit in this
You see monsters in your Goya-like twisted sleep of reason gone wrong. It would be better for you if you could woke.
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