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Old 10-26-2018, 03:58 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"The civility police might point out that many conservatives hated Obama just as much" They might point that out, and it would be laughably wrong. We disliked Obama's policies, and we disliked the way he whined about Foxnews (sort of how Trump whines about CNN), the way he hated conservatives. But we didn't endlessly obsess about everything Obama did, or every syllable he spoke.

"The right’s revulsion against a black president "

Ahh. Not that he was a radical, inexperienced politician whose wife hated this country, and whose spiritual mentor hated this country. It was because he was black. Im a guy who literally prays that Condaleeza Rice runs, but I'm an anti-black racist because I thought Obama was an arrogant, clueless horses azz, who never met an abortion he didn't think was swell, and who trampled on the rights of Christians again and again. Nope, it was all because of his skin color.

Right there, in that stupid, demonstrably false accusation, we see your desperation and small mindedness. You proved my point better than I ever could.

"those uppity black people:

You're a one trick pony, huh?

We disliked Obama's policies, and we disliked the way he whined about Foxnews (sort of how Trump whines about CNN), the way he hated conservatives. But we didn't endlessly obsess about everything Obama did, or every syllable he spoke. Where were you for those 8 years when he was in office? I know you were and still there in denial

Not that he was a radical, inexperienced politician whose wife hated this country, [COLOR="Red"] cool aid but the current inexperienced politician is a genius /COLOR]

Obama was an arrogant, clueless horses azz, who never met an abortion he didn't think was swell, and who trampled on the rights of Christians again and again. tin ƒoil hate with a shot of kool aid who thinks Trump is a good christian

that stupid, demonstrably false accusation, we see your desperation and small mindedness. describes your response completely
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