Thread: They got him...
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Old 10-27-2018, 01:49 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
Yes, surprising how many people on the left ware unwilling to acknowledge this.

Are you really that out of touch? That twisted in your views that you are incapable of separating facts on the ground? That most of these extreme events and actors on both sides are, ya know, crazy?

BTW: "For the encouragement of the others" - may the other crazies see what happens when they play stupid games, may they get a roommate named Bubba for a few decades.

And you are saying the Left harbors no destructive feelings for Trump (not a conservative) or Republicans, or Conservatives? Targeting their views are not far from many Leftists impressions of them?

No, actually sometimes you are not. As they are not ; ) - See BOTH SIDES (couldn't resist ; ) )

the both sides do it argument isn't cutting it ....

Who do you think listens and reads and support those people in the Tweets and False flag comments ... and accept what they say as Truth? its the Trump supporter the right has used the conspiracy theory to motivate their base for years,,

But republicans can't control the run away conspiracy Train that they put in motion its been hijacked...

And moderates republicans are being left at the station ... but still refuse to admit it's happening ..

As for Who finds or acknowledges all this nonsense?

None of this is hidden! its proudly put over the airways and the Twittersphere. easy to find and harder to defend

just had a shooting at a synagogue

Mr Trump added that the incident had "little to do" with US gun laws. "If they had protection inside, maybe it could have been a different situation,"

.. even if the question was by a reporter he couldn't help himself
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