Thread: Human caravan
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Old 10-31-2018, 04:02 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Where do you get the idea that the caravan is mostly women and children?"

because if he frames it that way, it makes Republicans look as ugly as possible. Who cares i fit's remotely true? Why not say that they're all UNICEF orphans?

"You selectively, purposefully, couch the issue in terms of fear and race"

Of course he does. That's liberalism.

Trump "Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in." no attempt at fear ok

President Donald Trump acknowledged on Tuesday that he has "no proof" for his claim that a migrant caravan approaching the U.S. southern border includes "Middle Easterners" but suggested he could eventually back up the assertion.

his lies are acceptable to you

Pressed by reporters after signing a water bill alongside lawmakers in both parties, Trump said "there's no proof of anything,"

wow your Genius POTUS says "there's no proof of anything,"

I guess all those photos of women and children are part of the liberal media to discredit Trump .. why do you hate facts so much?
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