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Old 11-08-2018, 05:01 AM   #1
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no thoughts on Jeff sessions

'If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay.' — Lindsey Graham in 2017....

Before the semantics start.. being asked to resign and being fired ... are the same thing

Trump tweeted that Sessions was being replaced – which came about 12 hours after the Democrats won control of the House of Representatives in midterm elections Amazing

and look who gets the job.. this guy.. Whitaker Funny how that works it must be purely by chance ..... Sure it is

Whitaker described an internal strategy for foiling Mueller on CNN in 2017. “I could see a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced,” he said, “it would [be a] recess appointment and that attorney general doesn’t fire Bob Mueller but he just reduces his budget to so low that his investigation grinds to almost a halt.”
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