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Old 11-17-2018, 07:03 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
Look, I’m no bigger a fan of illegal immigration than the next person, but asylum seekers are not illegal immigrants, they’re using a legal process to seek asylum in this country.

Until we say we’re not going to allow that process to continue as written, then I don’t see a problem with a caravan of people marching across Montreal never mind all of Central America to follow that process and escape whatever they’re trying to escape.

The fact that people can abuse the asylum process is a legal issue, not an illegal one.
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First, the legal process does not give the seekers the option to choose which country they wish to go. The legal process requires asylum seekers to apply for it in the first country whose border they cross. That would be Mexico. It would be up to Mexico if they qualify for asylum.

Second, seeking better economic conditions is not a legal requisite for asylum.

Most of the immigrants that have been interviewed while traveling in the caravan say they’re doing it to make a better life. But they have been coached on what to say when they get to the border. So they will not say what they’ve candidly admitted to interviewers while traveling. If they are properly and effectively vetted, and they should have documents proving who they are and from whence they came, it can be decided at that point if they qualify. In most instances, they probably won’t have proper documentation with them.

And they must present themselves at a proper port of entry. The notion that they can come in mass numbers and bull rush the border, and claim asylum if and when they're caught, is not part of the legal process.

In any case, they are already outside of the legal framework. So they are not following the legal process as written. We are not legally required to accept them. We can do so, but if we do accept a significant number of them, we just encourage the continuation of large numbers of them coming here for a better life at our expense, and illegally

Last edited by detbuch; 11-17-2018 at 08:06 PM..
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