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Old 11-17-2018, 09:28 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
First, the legal process does not give the seekers the option to choose which country they wish to go. The legal process requires asylum seekers to apply for it in the first country whose border they cross. That would be Mexico. It would be up to Mexico if they qualify for asylum.

[COLOR="Red"]Not true A person may request asylum in any country outside their own; there is no obligation for an individual to claim asylum in the first country they reach. the “first country of asylum” principle refers to the expectation that countries should accept asylum seekers fleeing their neighboring countries. In the European Union, /COLOR]

We are not legally required to accept them. again not true An asylum seeker is entitled to stay in the country of asylum and have their claim heard. Host governments cannot force asylum seekers to return to a country where they fear persecution. can do so, but if we do accept a significant number of them, we just encourage the continuation of large numbers of them coming here for a better life at our expense, and illegally another untrue statement
dont confuse talking points with the law
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