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Old 11-19-2018, 05:27 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
He knows he's blowing a dogwhistle and you respond every time, like a good obedient Trump Nationalist.

You could have said what I think you meant to say here without resulting to memes. And it's an idiotic meme. You don't need the notion of a dog whistle and me being a dog to say that I agree with much, not all, of what Trump means by nationalism. But if you had used plain, direct, non-symbolic, non-derogatory language, my agreement would have been perfectly rational and wouldn't have the negative connotations you wrap it in.

He's not a narcissist at all: "I would give myself, I would -- look, I hate to do it, but I will do it. I would give myself an A-plus, is that enough? Can I go higher than that?"

Why do you bring this up to me. I never said that he isn't a narcissist. I've said things like other Presidents being narcissists, even more so than Trump, but they were considered good or great Presidents anyway. No matter how important his narcissism is to you, your passionate concerns don't persuade me to care.

And when the media doesn't concur, he then judges them fake

I assume that he would know when the media says something about him that is not true. Fake is an operative word. Now, maybe the media in such cases is not false, just wrong. But he gets accused of lying when he is wrong. So I can see him giving their own chit back to them.

But I have pointed out egregious instances where media got it wrong, and did so intentionally, in my opinion. And those are just the tip of the iceberg of false or erroneous reportage that I have seen over a long period of time. "Conservatives," in general have been noticing this well before Trump. So we understand what Trump means. Not that he is always right.

And then you have Real news written by a Real president consisting of halftruths, falsehoods and a remark that would be expected from a sixth grader

Yes, well, your ranting does resemble a kid who thinks he deserves the toy his mama won't buy for him. Not that it is so. Just sayin'

So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!

Hopefully you can figure out the lack of truth in the tweet above, or perhaps in your's and Trump's America, Trumps claims outweigh the rule of law.
I can figure out the truth in what he said. Perhaps you can figure out for me the lack of it. And why it matters so much to you.

And maybe you can tell me what my America is. I haven't been hiding it, but, perhaps I'm lying to myself . . . you know . . . like Trump and me do. I would be interested in your opinion. Then, maybe, you can get me to think like you.

Last edited by detbuch; 11-19-2018 at 05:56 PM..
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