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Old 11-26-2018, 03:28 PM   #37
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Look at the per capital GDP (and many other stats). Conservative states lag behind (even with the greater natural resources they have - and the advantage of higher per capita government spending in those states.
" that is the platform they constantly run on - cut taxes and then when the deficit balloons, cut social welfare programs "

First, who ran up more debt than the guy who was there from 2009-2016? Anyone? Second, conservatives want to cut waste, not vital social programs. Big difference.

"And we have constantly shown that the conservatives lack empathy "

Yet the one study, shows that conservatives donate more time, more money, to charity. So who is the "we" that has shown that conservatives lack empathy? The anti-abortion position is based on nothing but empathy. You're lobbing baseless, un-provable allegations.

"their budgets show that"

That's a good one. Here in CT where you live I believe, the democrat-controlled legislature last year, (1) signed a union deal guaranteeing raises, longevity bonuses, and no layoffs, and at the same time (2) closed 26 non profits. IS that indicative of the liberal monopoly on empathy you are desperately, desperately trying to establish? I'm not saying there aren't any conservatives who are greedy and callous, but the conservative platform isn't lacking in empathy the way you are trying to depict it. You can say it as many times as you want. I can say that I look like Justin Verlander and should be married to Kate Upton. That doesn't make it so.

"those poor in the inner cities lead great lives"

Can you go one single post, without responding to something that I never said? Not only did I never say they lead great lives, I said they deserve something better. Are you hearing voices? Or is your reading comprehension really that bad?

"When you are the owner of this site I'll post the way you want me to"

I didn't demand that you do anything. I made a request (that you respond to what I'm actually saying) . Many would say it's a reasonable request. But if you want to act as if I said that we should kill the poor and sell their stuff, obviously I can't stop you. BUu you're embarrassing yourself.
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