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Old 11-29-2018, 07:30 AM   #102
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Kind of nasty isn’t it, when someone gets demonized for their political actions. Sort of like how you keep trying to demonize me by name calling.
Tacit approval doesn’t win you any points in my book.
Good luck with claiming the results are worth the taint.
What the Trumplicans have done to the Republican Party will be long remembered, the stink will last a long time.
You missed the unemployment statistics issue. Funny how all of the sudden the numbers became true, isn’t it. You don’t have an answer for that, do you?
Thinking that it’s about poverty is missing the point. The middle class has been shrinking for the past 30 years.
That’s not good.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"Sort of like how you keep trying to demonize me by name calling."

You constantly dodge my questions, you constantly claim that I'm a blind Trump supporter, and you constantly claim that I said things, which I would never ever say. I've pointed that stuff out to you 100 times, and you keep doing it. I don't know how to respond.

"Good luck with claiming the results are worth the taint."

OK. Let's just stick to this. So you'd rather have a sweet person as POTUS, but with bad results? Is that what you're saying?

Just once, JUST THIS ONE TIME, can you please answer that question exactly as I asked it?

"What the Trumplicans have done to the Republican Party will be long remembered, the stink will last a long time"

You might be right. But why did the GOP pick up Senate seats? Trump is one guy. He's not the whole party.

"You missed the unemployment statistics issue. Funny how all of the sudden the numbers became true, isn’t it. You don’t have an answer for that, do you?"

Not sure what you're saying here. If you're saying I didn't care about unemployment when Obama was POTUS, you are elying again. I've said 1,000 times that Obama gets good marks for his impact on unemployment and the stock market. So does Trump. SO please tell me what I "missed"?

Pete' let's see who is the blind partisan denier, me or you...I gave Obama credit for helping unemployment under his watch. Can you do the same with Trump? What do you have to say, about unemployment under Trump? I am curious to see how you answer that.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-29-2018 at 07:35 AM..
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