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Old 12-04-2018, 09:25 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
to funny coming from the person who has no issues shooting people who throw rocks ..

Typical republican trying to project their version of morality on others

focusing on a 14 year olds actions (as if he had control) while completely ignoring everything that persons has done after that good and bad ....

Survivor’s guilt is something that people experience when they’ve survived a life-threatening situation and others might not have. It is commonly seen among Holocaust survivors, war veterans

In truth, it’s not logical for someone to feel responsible for another person’s fate, but guilt is not something we necessarily have any control over. However, survivor’s guilt is a normal response to loss. Not everyone experiences this type of guilt,

no where does it say people who are absent of guilt are bad people.. except you and other alt right figures who repost this evey election cycle .... But hea why should psychology offer any insight
"to funny coming from the person who has no issues shooting people who throw rocks "

I have an issue with shooting people who are skipping pebbles across a pond. If, on the other hand, you throw a rock at the head of a cop or soldier after being told not to, what happens next is your fault. I calls 'em like I sees 'em.

Did anybody who threw rocks, get shot? Don't think so.

"guilt is not something we necessarily have any control over"

That's correct. And there's a term for people who are incapable of feeling it, even after doing something that seriously hurts others - sociopath.

"focusing on a 14 year olds actions "

Lie. Why do you lie? I said TWICE, that no one could blame him for what he did at age 14. What is shocking, is that AS AN ADULT, he feels no guilt. Can you make that distinction, or is it too complicated for you? You seem to be unable to understand. I have no issue with what he did at age 14, none.

"it’s not logical for someone to feel responsible for another person’s fate"

Says who? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I'm not largely responsible for my kids? I have no responsibility for others I care about? You work in law enforcement, and you are saying that no one can ever be guilty of being an accomplice to a crime?

"no where does it say people who are absent of guilt are bad people"

No? Murderers who feel no remorse, aren't bad people? They aren't any different from murderers who sincerely regret what they did?

Wow. I mean wow. Anything, ANYTHING, to avoid admitting anyone on your side made a mistake.

Thank you for that brief journey into the Twilight Zone. I have to go now, I'm due back on the planet Earth.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 12-04-2018 at 09:32 AM..
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