Thread: Let's start
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Old 12-04-2018, 02:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
seems you think charitable donations and political donations are the same

No I don't think they are the same. But you're right in this case it appears that I did equate them. I misread Spence's post thinking he was doing the same. I missed the world "also" and made the wrong connection. He was speaking about political not charitable donations.

But my opinion, whether it was about charity or political donation, Spence's post amounted, as I said, to actually no more than he didn't like or approve of how or why the Kochs donate politically. His "they’ve also used their money to almost single handedly engineer, significantly a more radical Right" is an attempt to discredit the Kochs by using the dog whistle "radical." Just stick that word in a characterization and the little doggie ears perk up to the sound of something bad. So the Presidents that the Koch bros. helped to get elected were more radical right? Which one was "radical." I don't know if they actually helped Trump, but is he radical right?

Spence's idea of what is radical seems to be nothing more than what he doesn't approve of. I don't see any Republican politicians that are radical. Some want to actually return their party to the values that it supposedly represents. That would be a further distancing the party from the Progressive values that it has more and more supported. Spence, being a Progressive, would consider that "radical" because, well . . . I guess because for him Progressivism is the correct and proper center. So, I suppose, distancing from that center is radical. Well, until he comes up with some proof of that, it's just his opinion. And a logical response by someone not immersed in his opinion would be "So what?"

you tend to do that alot
I didn't realize that I think a lot that "charitable donations and political donations are the same." I don't recall ever saying such a thing.

BTW, you're using the dog whistle "alt right" a lot lately. Not nice.
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