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Old 12-05-2018, 11:41 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
There's nothing particularly infuriating in the piece, but the theme about people needing to project their own emotional needs onto animals is pretty observant if a bit cold.
She called it 'demented' to be moved by the sight of the dog in front of the casket. The word she used, was demented.

The title, also says explicitly, that it's 'wasteful' to spend emotional energy, feeling good about this Sully.

Naturally none of this is insulting to you. The entrance to liberalworld, requires one to leave their soul and conscience at the door.

Not ong ago, before the national Democratic party lost its mind, Donna Brazile was fired by Michael Dukakis for promoting the fake story that HW Bush had a mistress. In today's democratic party, she is rewarded for that kind of thing, with the office of chair, and vice-chair, of the DNC.


Anyone with a soul was moved by the photo of the dog laying by the casket. Only a completely broken person without a soul, would be offended by people rallying around something so pure, so innocent, and so touching.
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