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Old 12-06-2018, 01:12 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"It (black unemployment) pretty much continued on the same trajectory as it was going on before"

Ah yes, it was Obama's doing. How silly of me. When things continue on the same trajectory, it's because of the person who initiated that trajectory? It doesn't take work to maintain progress along that trajectory? Fascinating, simply fascinating.I never claimed that did I? Trump can get credit for continuing if that will make you happy. Show me how the trajectory changed though?

"I've said here many times lower unemployment (black or othewise) is good for all us "

Have you ever said that the GOP tax cuts helped us in that goal?I don't think they did. Most of the tax cuts to corp. went to stock buy backs.

"The benefit was minor to the middle class and that is why the Repubs. didn't run on it in the elections. "

$200+ a month for me, not minor, and they did run on it.I'm glad you make more than the average carpenter, plumber and middle class person on this site. Most Repubs infact did not run on it.

"You mean when the economy was in the crapper? "

The economy was in the crapper in the last couple of years of Obama's presidency? I missed that, I guess, lucky me.Stick with #s (although sometimes I don't think you are that good with them). Was the deficit declining in Obama's later years from the earlier years?

"Just proved that last statement wrong."

No, you proved it true. Liberal=good, conservative=bad. that was your whole post.
I don't start threads that liberals good vs vs cons. bad I'm responding to your posts where you constantly blame liberals for everythiing and then when people point out the stupidity of the post you come back with.

"I get it Liberal=good, conservative=bad" even though your threads all imply that.

Who started this thread crying about what some mag. said about a dog?

Last edited by PaulS; 12-06-2018 at 01:26 PM..
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