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Old 12-10-2018, 10:51 AM   #56
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I realize you think Trump respects you, but he's playing you for a fool.
If is politically expedient for us to fail in the future as long as there is the appearance of success at the current time, he has no issue with the final results being bad as long as his ratings are good.
His military approval rating was little different than Obamas and is dropping.
" President Donald Trump’s approval rating among active-duty military personnel has slipped over the last two years, leaving today’s troops evenly split over whether they’re happy with the commander in chief’s job performance, according to the results of a new Military Times poll of active-duty service members.

About 44 percent of troops had a favorable view of Trump’s presidency, the poll showed, compared to 43 percent who disapproved.

The results from the survey, conducted over the course of September and October, suggest a gradual decline in troops’ support of Trump since he was elected in fall 2016, when a similar Military Times poll showed that 46 percent of troops approved of Trump compared to 37 percent who disapproved. That nine-point margin of support now appears gone."

Pretty much anyone other than conservative white
people who are middle class evangelical Christians have had their rights trampled on.

The Department of Health and Human Services created a new civil rights division to protect medical personnel who, based on their religious beliefs, refuse to treat patients -- regardless of the patient's needs or access to alternative providers. So religious freedom means the freedom to discriminate.
In February, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos proposed spending over $1 billion on private school vouchers and other school choice plans. Based on existing voucher programs, a lot of that money would have ended up subsidizing religious schools if Congress had approved the funds.
The Department of Education also announced its desire to change rules that prohibit federal education funding for faith-based entities, and has re-opened the public comment period to begin the process. Some of those funds may well end up subsidizing religious schools that teach creationism and declare climate science a hoax. So religious freedom means the freedom to undermine science at taxpayer expense.
Top officials -- such as Vice President Mike Pence -- have repeatedly committed to overturning Roe v. Wade, despite the fact that 63% of Americans support it, and now they have a Supreme Court nominee who might help do just that. So religious freedom means forcing one interpretation of religion on everyone.
President Donald Trump has (so far unsuccessfully) tried to get rid of the Johnson Amendment to let religious leaders explicitly endorse candidates from the pulpit. So religious freedom means compromising the separation of church and state, allowing people to use religion for partisan advantage and politics to build religious power.
he’s not playing me for a fool, i know exactly what he is, moreso than you. My god, every syllable from you is pure paranoid fantasy. Take off the tinfoil hat, stop howling at the moon, and talk sense.

What is he doing to hurt our future, other than accumulating debt, which obama also did and we all know you didn’t complain about that.

Whose rights has he trampled? Sure he has had his wrist slapped by courts, as obama also did. What trampling of rights has he implemented?

“religious freedom means the right to discriminate.”.

i encourage you to actually read the first amendment. it says the right to freely practice religion shall not be infringed. It does not say “unless someone else is being seriously inconvenienced.”. It’s easy to respect others rights when it doesn’t cost you anything. the true test, is if you reapect the conatitution when it hurts you to do so.

most poor people support school choice and vouchers. only those pressured by teachers unions oppose it. i thought liberals were in favor of “choice”? Pretty sure i heard that somewhere.

As to roe v wade, slavery was settled law, so was segregation. until the christian right helped eliminate those things. Roe v wade isn’t in any danger.

“separation of church and state” does not mean that religion cannot influence politics. It means the government cannot officially endorse one religion. The words “separation of church and state” aren’t in the constitution. In fact, it’s obvious ( perhaps not to you) that the founding fathers relied heavily on judeo christian principles to found the nation.

would do you good to actually sit down and read what the constitution actually says, instead of listening to what msnbc claims
it says.
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