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Old 12-12-2018, 10:34 AM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
No, he had a chance and didn't do it in his first two years. That was disappointing. Then congress flipped and it was basically off the table. Obama was far from perfect. There are many things he did I disagree with. I wish at times things were done in a more bi-partisan way, but with Mitch McConnells sole goal to make him a one-term president, not much was going to get done.

There is a difference between not getting a campaign promise done and a lie.

Trump lies, daily. He lies about the wall. He lies about the funding for the wall. He lies about improvements in the wall, which was basically the same process the last two administrations have done. He lies about 10 terrorists, he lies about Saudi Arabia.

See the difference?
"(Obama) had a chance and didn't do it in his first two years."

Agreed. He could have kept his promise, and chose not to.

"There is a difference between not getting a campaign promise done and a lie."

Also true. It appears you're saying Obama didn't lie about immigration reform, he just chose not to do it. How is that different from Trumps campaign promise about the wall, exactly? It would appear Trump could have done it if he wanted, his party controlled congress, but he chose not to pursue it. To me, it looks exactly like Obama and immigration reform. Both men made promises, both had party control of both chambers of Congress, both seem to have chosen to ignore the promise.

"Trump lies, daily"

He lies a lot, yes. I don't know, and I don't see how you or Spence could know, if hos promise to build a wall was a lie, or a broken campaign promise, which you admit Obama is also guilty of.

"See the difference?"

I see differences in the two men, absolutely. In terms of how Obama handled immigration reform, and how Trump handled construction of the wall? Many more similarities.

Did Obama take responsibility for not doing immigration reform when he had a democrat congress?

Here's a video where Obama was pressed on it. What did he do? he blamed REPUBLICANS. He had control of the house and for a time, a filibuster - proof majority in the Senate! But it's the Republican's fault, not Obama's. In this video, Obama blames everyone but himself, and lies about why it didn't happen. That doesn't remind you of Trump?

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