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Old 12-14-2018, 10:53 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"most are blue collar and don't make what you do "

I'm, not the plutocrat you think I am. I have a white collar job, I work in a cubicle not in a fancy office, and I have a staff of two. I'm low, low level management. I'm not going to get into details, but you don't need to be making huge bucks to realize that kind of savings. Trusty me I know what actuaries make - and it is more than most of the people on this forum.

"everyone else is just seeing the deficit balloon"

Bullsh*t. Almost all of us got something. true, but for most it was peanuts. The majority went to rich and corps.

"the Repubs. cried bc Obama tried to stimulate the economy - fing hypocrites"

Not me. I give him credit all the time for helping the economy recover. Plenty of hypocrites on my side. What you fail to admit, is that there are also hypocrites on your sideof course there are., how are crying about the debt, when they didn't care when Obama racked up debt as well. The economy was in totally different shape. Plenty of hypocrisy. Not by me, I can only control me.

"Romney basically said he would never care about 47% of the country"

NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT HE SAID. What he said (something like, 47% won't work so you can't help them?) was stupid, and he deserved criticism for it. But the liberal attacks began long before that idiotic statement.Pull up the whole quote and we can discuss it bc that it not what he said.

"How many times do we have to remind you of that?"

Zero, because you're remembering history very wrong. pull up the quote.

"Look at the classless, lying thing the Repubs. say about Dems"

SO you aren't denying democrats do it, you're just saying we all do it. I agree. So let's all stop pretending that only one side does it. Deal?
I think both parties do it (but the Repubs. do it more). I'll admit that but you constantly pull the victim card and claim the Dems. do it and not the Repubs.
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