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Old 12-17-2018, 07:52 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
I was pleased Trump was able to bring them home. This has nothing to do with image. My guess is that there were many families and colleagues who thought it was special. But when you said you were waiting for positive action I thought this action would qualify. Would you put this action above or below trading prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl?
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As i said its the duty of any sitting POTUS to bring any service member home dead or alive ...

We leave no one behind... even Bowe Bergdahl? who was court martial and dishonorably discharged...

Found this relevant

Mr. Trump’s comments may have contributed to the decision not to sentence him to prison. After Mr. Trump seemed last month to endorse his harsh criticism from the campaign trail, Colonel Nance ruled that he would consider the comments as mitigating evidence at sentencing. some military law experts said, on the grounds that the president had unlawfully influenced the case.

if i could only believe Trump is driven by doing the right thing in what he does ...

But 99% of what he does and say's is for image ... that's his character..

all former POTUS have done and said things for image but clearly they never saw it as a way to govern as Trump see it and uses it...
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