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Old 12-19-2018, 02:40 PM   #30
Got Stripers
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Is it the right thing to do in the Trump case? Is there anything he has done as President comparable to what Hitler or Mussolini did as the political leaders of their countries that outweigh the good he has done with his policies? Or are there rapes and assaults in his personal life that outweigh his contributions?

Failed businesses, extra-marital affairs, typical shady or unethical deals so common to big business and big and little politicians (including the one he ran against for President)--these are the things that outweigh his good? Do you honestly believe that if the FBI had wanted to go after Hillary for anything in her past, or even for her handling of her emails, with the same intensity and vigor as they are doing with Trump, that they couldn't have found things for which to prosecute and convict her (or just about any other powerful, successful person)? If Trump is the standard for bad rather than good or usual, then we might as well bring down the whole Washington and local government establishments. And most other highly successful and powerful people.
You keep pointing out all the good he has done, mind spelling that all out for us dim witted individuals, because I'm pretty certain good and bad all depends on point of view. Seems like a lot of the good he claims he is doing keeps getting overruled in the higher courts, but he is keeping many states AG's busy for sure.
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