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Old 12-21-2018, 05:04 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I’ve seen no credible evidence that Mueller cares about anything other than finding the truth and none in being on any other team.
Because you choose not to see it. Or are totally in an information bubble where the evidence is not allowed.

There should not have been a special Prosecutor appointed in the first place. There was no evidence of collusion or conspiracy to begin with. These prosecutors are not appointed to look for a crime, but to prosecute an identified crime.

And when phony, illegal means to spy on Americans, such as was the unverified so-called "dossier," are used to get FISA warrants, and that the document was paid for by the competing "team" (and even that was not told to the FISA judge), nor was the leader of that competing team being investigated for obvious, blatant, disregard of policy regarding emails, and who had shown favorable action toward Russia re a uranium deal which opened the spigot for huge donations to her private foundation, those are major warnings that "truth" is not the objective, and that the other "team" was being favored.
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