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Old 01-02-2019, 12:54 PM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Corporate income taxes paid went down by HALF, how much any individual corporation paid is immaterial in funding the government.
Well the corporate tax rate didn't get cut in half, so something else is at play there which may or may not have anything to do with the tax cut.

I have news for you...when corporations have more after tax income, that doesn't only benefit the wealthy. I have spent my career so far in a cubicle, I am a worker bee not an executive. And I have worked for some huge companies (Aetna, Travelers, The Hartford). And I know for sure, that the more money the company has at the end of the year, the better my raise and bonus will be. They share profits with the workers, they have to, or the good workers will all leave.

Corporate America isn't the plantation you seem to think it is.
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