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Old 01-05-2019, 09:35 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
who said “everything else is bullsh-t”? why can’t you just say that while trump is a pig, he’s growing the economy? why does it have to be all bad, why can’t you admit that he is doing some good things? what are you afraid of? gdp up, unemployment down, labor participation up. all good things. at the same time, he’s a pig.
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Jim unlike you I am not able to look at Trump as if looking thru a rifle scope and when something like jobs numbers come out you take the shot .. then comment on how great things are .

Where is I look at Trump not thru scope but binoculars which provide a greater field of vision that way I can see the jobs numbers and the wall fight the crazy stock market all the things that paint a better picture of his Administration..

Not grabbing the few good things that happen around and trying to market them as Trump doing great

Never said the numbers were not a positive But Trump and Trump alone drowns out positive news for himself. He excels at doing that
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"Jim unlike you I am not able to look at Trump as if looking thru a rifle scope'

You are wrong. YOU are the one doing exactly this, looking through a narrow scope. All you see is the bad, everything good (and I'm sorry to break it to you, there's a lot of good things happening), you block from your field of vision. You deny and ignore everything that doesn't paint him in a negative light. You are filtering out everything positive he does.

I see it all, I criticize him when he deserves it (which is often), and I can celebrate the things he does which helps Americans. The economy is booming, and the little people, the forgotten people (poor, blacks, Hispanics, those with only a high school education) are doing better than they've done in a while. We have a LONG way to go to keep helping these people, but there is some momentum.
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