Thread: Who wrote this?
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Old 01-06-2019, 09:48 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by spence View Post

Originally Posted by nightfighter He got J Edgar Hoover on his path, beginning with he Alien Enemy Bureau. Then there was George Creel working his dirty deeds in the Committee on Public Information. And then there was the misuse of power through the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918. None of that would fly in today's world of the internet and social media. Wilson had a little known, seldom recognized nasty dark side....

In context of WW1 I’m not sure some of this stuff is insidious as you make it sound. I do remember Wilson having some race issues though.
Are you saying that Trump has misused power more than or equal to the 1918 Alien and Sedition Act? Are you saying that Trump has abused the first Amendment more than or equal to the passing of that act? I know that you and wdmso and PeteF rail on Trump's tweets and his attempted barring of a journalist from his press conference, but no legislation was passed in either case nor was it asked for by Trump. Nor was the First Amendment in any danger.

And you remember Wilson having SOME race issues? He was an out and out blatant racist. He supported the KKK in his praise of the movie Birth of a Nation which glorified the KKK. There was an actual and verified Klan resurgence after that. He segregated several agencies of the Federal Government. He stated that the negro race was inferior. Those just for starters.

Trump, who Dems love to call a racist has not done anything close to the things Wilson did.

And, according to you, Wilson was an "extremist." He was one of the founders of the Progressive movement who claimed the Constitution was outdated and an impediment to government doing what he considered needed to be done. When I wrote a post about the early Progressives and their desire to remove constitutional impediments to what they considered should be unfettered government, you accused me of citing extremists (Wilson, et al) to support my "extremist" views.

So four of the biggest things you, and other Trump haters, like to accuse Trump of--racism, extremism, anti-free speech, and destruction of the Constitution--are actual Wilsonian traits which surpass anything, by a long shot, that Trump has done. Yet you give Wilson a pass with nary a slap on the wrist, and almost daily pile on Trump

Your a sly chameleon that situationally changes its spots. That's why I say you're a slick con artist. Even more so than Trump who's supposed con is an open book.

Last edited by detbuch; 01-06-2019 at 10:01 PM..
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