Thread: Who wrote this?
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Old 01-07-2019, 12:30 PM   #25
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Wilson got us into one of the most horrific wars in history, and he was far worse than Trump in those horrid 4 items I mentioned, and that you and others try to brand Trump with.

Yeah, really.
After the Germans started torpedoing american shipping and asked Mexico to ally with them against the US he asked Congress to declare war.
I assume you have been listening to Glen Beck rant about Wilson.
Several other reasons I would think you would try and brand Wilson as bad along with Roosevelt and Taft.
They passed measures to regulate workplaces, food and drugs. They barred child labor and mandated school attendance. And they won antitrust laws to break up corporate monopolies. According to Roosevelt, corporations "should be so supervised and so regulated that they shall act for the interest of the community as a whole."

But Roosevelt used a light touch in his regulation of corporations, which he called "indispensable instruments of our modern civilization." By contrast, Wilson pledged to use the newly empowered federal state to break up large companies and restore the economic competition of an earlier age. Defeating TR and Taft in 1912, Wilson immediately cut tariffs on imported goods, which he said benefited big businesses at the expense of consumers. He pushed through the Clayton Antitrust Act, which blocked price-fixing and prevented the same people from sitting on the boards of competing companies. And he instituted the Federal Trade Commission, which investigates unfair business practices.

Wilson also tackled the nation's banking system, which had left American investors at the mercy of unscrupulous financiers and the unpredictable ups and downs of the economy. His answer was the Federal Reserve, which continues to regulate the national money supply and interest rates in order to cushion us against the worst blows of the business cycle. And he nominated Louis Brandeis—the nation’s leading champion of worker protections—for the Supreme Court.
Unlike Trump he certainly was not the United State's Yeltsin.

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Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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