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Old 01-09-2019, 01:05 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"this shut down is not remotely the same as Obama’s shut down "

Stop moving the goalposts. I was responding to your post, where you implied that shutdowns are wrong because of their impact on federal workers. That's what you said, and that's what I was responding to.

From the perspective of workers who didn't get paid, what was the difference between the two shutdowns?

"you show your skills off suggesting they are the same"

Never implied they were the same. But didn't both result in workers not getting paid? What's on display here, is your inability to admit your side plays these games too, and that it's equally wrong regardless of who does it. Nope. Political gamesmanship is only bothersome to you, when the GOP does it. I was pretty critical of the GOP in my response to you. When I mentioned Obama's shutdown, you can't bring yourself to say that also hurt federal workers, all you can do is say "it wasn't the same as this". OK, I tried engaging you like an adult, and it was a waste.

"Are Trump or his supporters familiar with the fable of the boy who cried wolf? Because it’s playing out now in the White House "

Tell that to the widow and 5 month-old left behind by Officer Singh.

Did that cop get murdered by an illegal who had two DUIs here? yes or no? Did the GOP fabricate it, or did it happen? I fit happened, how many Americans like that cop are you willing to sacrifice on the alter of liberalism, before you can admit that there's a problem?

Boy who cried wolf. Unfreakinbelievable.

You're a sheep. You cannot think critically, you can regurgitate what you hear on MSNBC, that's all. GOP is b-a-a-a-a-d.

And what would you say to his wife if he was killed by a Us citizen? Would it garner less attention or be less tragic .. nothing is more than pathetic than using people’s deaths to forward a political agenda . No matter the party

Can you name the 3 officers who have been killed in the line of duty in 2019. Of course you can’t .. doubt if you even knew it there were 3 .. why because they weren’t caused by an illegal there’s no value in that for Trump

Trump has been crying since the day he announced his bid for president
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