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Old 01-10-2019, 11:55 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
This isn’t really true. Fear of being killed or raped by a gang because of your social group certainly could qualify.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Certainly could? No, it is the responsibility of the government in the country where gang rapes and murders occur to solve the problem. National sovereignty requires national responsibility. It is not the responsibility of the US to solve the gang, or rape, or murder problems of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, or any country other than the US. Sovereignty issues is one of the reasons that the UN pact avoided diminishing the normal responsibility of nations to secure the rights of their own people. Not only would it ease a nation's responsibility to protect its people if the alien citizens had to be accepted by another nation because their government didn't do its job, it would force the burden, wanted or not, on other nations to accept the transfer of the economic and social costs of whole populations into their territory

Social group? Are the gangs comprised of a different "social group" than those they prey upon? Even if they were, it would still be the problem of their government to solve. It is the responsibility of a sovereign nation to secure the safety of its citizens. When sovereign nations fail, if they are UN members, the UN assembly can order some method to set them right. In cases of uncontrollable mass genocides, as have occurred in Africa, UN troops can be sent to stop the killing.

The latest UN migration pact, which the US, thankfully, did not sign, would have made it far easier for migrants to cross borders without having to ask for asylum to do so.
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