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Old 01-11-2019, 06:22 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Any female of childbearing age can become pregnant, all she has to do is have operable female genitals.
So how do LGBTQ people affect birthrates,

I thought I explained that. Maybe not well enough. But I thought it was clear. If you disagree, that's OK.

are you proposing that they be "converted" so that they can produce children correctly in your mind or that so many females have sex changes or whatever the politically correct terminology is?
Do you think people should be required to marry and have children, or just be required to have children, or just not be allowed to use birth control so they suffer the consequences of their behavior? Just how do you propose that birth rates increase?

I don't and didn't propose that they do. I was responding to your article which was basically about the cost of welfare for illegal and legal immigrants vs "native born." I extrapolated the authors contention (that illegals put less strain on our welfare state than do "native born") to noting that his thesis could support the idea, facetious or serious, that replacing the "native born" population with legal or illegal immigrants would therefor reduce welfare costs.

Why do you see this as a problem:
But the massive number of immigrants they've invited in the past decade have a much higher birth rate which demographers have calculated will make the children of those immigrants the majority population in a couple of generations.

I didn't say it was a problem. First, I showed that your suggestion that the cost of child bearing is the reason why "native born" Americans have fewer kids doesn't square with your strange notion that the lower cost in countries where the cost is much lower is somehow proof that our high costs are the reason for less children. It obviously isn't, by your own comparison, since in the lower cost countries, they have even less children per couple than we do.

Then I suggested a parallel situation there to what may be happening here. Population replacement of those who don't replace their own by those who more than do so. For those who are basically numbers and statistically oriented, that may be perfectly fine. For those who are culturally oriented, that may be suicide. I wasn't slanting in either direction. If I were forced to choose between numbers and culture, I would pick culture. But there is much more to the ultimate choice.

That is why I posed this question below, perhaps I misunderstood your motivation for that statement and my assumption that you were implying that it is what will also happen here. Though I would also say that the analysis I've seen of second generation immigrants is that their behavior closely mirrors that of the larger society they live in, so I wouldn't count on them keeping the same high birthrates as their parents.
Just what scares you about new "native borns", what generation American are you, that entitles you to close the door?
The much more that concerns me is not ethnicity or skin color. I am considered "white," but I don't prefer only "white." I almost have a fetish about things Asian ("yellow"). And have an admiration for a great deal of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean culture. My favorite novel is The Tale of Genji written by Murasaki who was a lady of the Japanese Court in the 11th century. It is reputed to be the first novel ever written. And if I were in grade school now, knowing what I do now, I would learn Korean and master the violin through the rest of my education through college with the intention of eventually going there and joining the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra. I think it's one of the best, and the fairly large number of classical pianists and violinists and opera singers being produced in Korea are phenomenally talented, among the best. Pop music and singing there is really good as well. And the Korean women dominate the WPGA. And, to me, Eurasian beauties are the sexiest and most beautiful. Even without the Euro mixture, Asian beauties are as well. I could go on and on.

But, in spite of my Asian fascination, what I prefer to preserve is the classical liberalism of Western civilization. And along with that its referred to Judeo Christian notion of individualism and rule of law as embodied by our Constitution. If the immigrants who come here, legally or illegally, were sure to be fervent adherents to our Constitution in its classical liberal sense rather than the Progressive notion of a living, breathing thing that can be changed or disregarded merely by opinion than by amendment, I would love to invite them. And make their acquaintance. I'm sure I would like them more than many of our complacent, centralized government type, politically ignorant dummies who really think socialism is the answer.

Last edited by detbuch; 01-11-2019 at 06:33 PM..
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