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Old 01-13-2019, 12:59 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
So his words are what matter, whether it's a serious problem, a crisis, or an emergency? Do you agree that at best, it's a serious problem? The dems sure thought so until January 2017...and who here, criticized them for saying it was a crisis?

GS, I'm responding to you, but I don't mean to single you out, as you are usually thoughtful and fair. But your side has really jumped the shark on this one, you're tripping all over yourselves for the sake of saying Trump is wrong. That's ALL this is. If Hilary had won and wanted the wall, we'd have the wall.

And the arguments the Trump haters are clinging to, are just beyond absurd.

The wall can''t guarantee that illegal immigration won't converge to zero

We have other problems in addition to immigration

Walls are immoral, but fences are swell

Walls don't work (this is so stupid and demonstrably false, there aren't words to describe it)

Not every single illegal comes through the southern border

it's too expensive

illegals contribute positively to our economy

not everyone who gets murdered, is killed by an illegal

trump doesn't really care about the women getting raped

These arguments would get any high school student, a richly deserved 'F' in debate class.

If we didn't know for a certainty how well barriers worked in San Diego and Arizona, MAYBE there'd be two sides to this. But we do, so there aren't.

How many border patrol agents have you seen on TV, who aren't saying the wall will help? The guy who ran the border patrol under Obama, who was fired by Trump and therefore has reason to hate Trump, says it will help and is needed.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer know better? And what changed since 2013?
and you still have yet to address why in 2 years and control of both houses no wall but as soon as dems take the house There is suddenly a crisis ...

All your effort has been to Support Trump by any lie or excuse necessary ... just like the russian thing I remember the outrage over the Jeremiah Wright controversy

But Putin and russia is all fake news LOL
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