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Old 01-14-2019, 10:41 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
and you still have yet to address why in 2 years and control of both houses no wall but as soon as dems take the house There is suddenly a crisis ...

All your effort has been to Support Trump by any lie or excuse necessary ... just like the russian thing I remember the outrage over the Jeremiah Wright controversy

But Putin and russia is all fake news LOL
"and you still have yet to address why in 2 years and control of both houses no wall "

I have said multiple times, that Trump and the GOP ,deserve a LOT of criticism for not doing a damn thing for two years. I don't know what else to say. I would happily endorse replacing these Republicans with ones who would have gotten that done. Many, many right-leaning voters are furious that they did nothing for two years. What else do you want me to say? It's not enough to make me switch parties, but it's enough for me to say they blew it and deserve to be replaced. Because they waited, innocent federal workers are getting hurt, and that's disgusting to me. Is that fair enough?

I answered that. Now perhaps YOU can show me the same courtesy, and tell us why all the democratic leaders were all for expanded barriers in 2006 and 2013, but no wall of a sudden, walls are immoral and don't work?

I haven't seen a single issue expose just how ineffective and ugly our political process has become. This is what happens when you vote for people based on how pretty and popular they are.

"All your effort has been to Support Trump by any lie or excuse "

You have serious, serious issues either with memory or comprehension, if you believe that.

" remember the outrage over the Jeremiah Wright controversy"

I was outraged over Obama's relationship with the deranged Wright. I didn't say Obama deserved to be impeached for it.
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