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Old 01-16-2019, 05:16 AM   #22
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the bottom line the senate leader McConnell blocks House bill to reopen government for second time

Stating he wont take a vote on a bill Trump wont pass... " McConnell for weeks has said he would not bring legislation to the floor on the shutdown unless there was a deal between President Trump"

Seems McConnell is being an obstructionist seeing Bill start in the house his arse is swinging in the breeze and this is not how this works

and the Senators vote by voice. Those who support the bill say “yea,” and those who oppose it say “nay.” If a majority of the Senators say “yea,” the bill passes in the U.S. Senate and is ready to go to the President.

and he vetos it can be overridden (if they can) the Senators need to Do their Job !!... Stand up vote!! and be seen by the American Public and their position on the issue ... not Hid in the Senate chambers with their heads in a hole waiting for the storm to pass.... like cowards
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