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Old 01-17-2019, 08:32 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I think you were here during the Obama administration when the Repub. anger became so evident they lost their minds.

Peter King calling his tan suit unpresidential and that he didn't care about national security threats.

"Sarah Palin said Obama liked to pal around with terrorists. Glenn Beck opined early on that Obama hated white people, or white culture. Others in the conservative camp suggested Obama was anti-American because he was a member of Jeremiah Wright’s church. The birthers, still a goodly portion of the conservative constituency, believed that Obama was not even a U.S. citizen, but rather, a Manchurian Candidate (yet we know have a president who meets with the Russian president and won't let any other American know what was discussed) who intended on bringing America down from the inside out. Many in Tea and conservative land still doubt that Obama is a Christian....insisting that Obama’s Muslim and African loyalties trump any loyalties he might still have for the U.S.

Obama wanted Gitmo terrorists brought to the Homeland, wanted four Americans killed in Benghazi so badly that he ordered a “stand down”, purposely planned for government healthcare “death panels”, and is now staging the partial genocide of U.S. citizens by intentionally allowing Ebola to spread inside our country."

How many times where pictures of Obama's mom jeans posted here?
"I think you were here during the Obama administration when the Repub. anger became so evident they lost their minds."

A small number of people like Sean Hannity lost their minds. I watched the 8PM Foxnews show occasionally during the Obama years, it was BY FAR the most popular cable news show at the time, and the host regularly praised Obama.

That was nothing compared to this. Nothing. Look at the threads started here. Look at the "not my president" marches. Look at ANTIFA.

I don't know how to quantify it Paul, I giess you could look and see which networks gave Obama and Trump what percentage of favorable and unfavorable coverage. But I'd bet my 401k in exchange for $1 from you, that Foxnews gave way more favorable coverage to Obama, than CNN or MSNBC give to Trump. Now some of that is deserved because of his style no question. But not all of it is deserved.

Trump bashes MS-13, and there's the speaker of the house defending them.

"Glenn Beck opined early on that Obama hated white people"

I'm certain Beck was right. No one sits in Rev Wright's church and likes what he is hearing, unless he dislikes white people.

Posting individual examples of people bashing Obama doesn't prove your point. It doesn't prove that it isn't far more widespread now.

Just my opinion, I have no way to prove it, you have no way to disprove.
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